How Artificial Intelligence can help course creators
Photo by Headway On Unsplash

Artificial Intelligence Tools for Online Course Creators


In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer for various industries, and the education sector is no exception.

In this lesson, we’re learning about Artificial Intelligence for online course creators so that you can create your courses, outline, lessons, sales pages, and sales emails faster by using AI powered tools.

As a course creator, you might struggle with how to create the perfect outline, what to talk about, what your modules are and in what order they should be. You may also struggle with how to create a sales page that summarizes the benefits of a particular course topic. It could even be sales related work like how to create a sales email to let your audience know about these particular topics. 

For most business owners that are probably not marketing professors or even a formal education teacher, but AI can get you 70%, 80%, or 90% there so you can tweak and personalize it. That’s what we’re going to learn about in this lesson.

Challenges online course creators may face if they don’t use artificial intelligence for their online courses: 

  • Time-consuming research tasks
  • Inefficient lesson creation
  • Hard to extract benefits for sales page
  • Difficult to switch from teaching to sales emails
  • Limited productivity for mass social media sharing

Video Lesson – How To Create and Deliver Online Courses with AI

What is AI?

AI is an acronym for Artificial Intelligence. It’s a computer program that does things for you based on lots of research data. It refers to developing computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.

For example, if AI had to write a blog article for you, it has already imported and studied millions of blog articles, so it knows the common patterns and trends. It’s familiar with common trends like a good intro and outro section as well as how you might structure the middle parts of a blog article, etc. 

That’s simply what AI does. It uses all these existing patterns and training data to create something based on what you asked, which is the whole thing about generators. AI could be used for many things like writing, image creation/processing, video analysis, chat support, extracting webinar important notes, etc.

What are Generators?

These computer programs use artificial intelligence to generate human-like text based on patterns and data they have learned from large datasets.

Generators use the existing data that’s out there, like samples of emails, blog articles, or other course outlines. They use existing data to extract existing content, merge them up with a little bit of your input, and create new content. Your new input with all the existing templates and samples will create the AI output. 

A generator takes your input, mashes all the samples together, creates an outline, and that’s your AI-generated file.

But smart creators will take the AI generated output and do a personalization phase on it to make it more human, more knowledgeable, and more personal from the writer and student point of view.

What is Artificial Intelligence and how it can be used to teacher creators
Artificial Intelligence For Course Creators – By ArtsyCourseExperts

Who Can Use AI Generators?

  • Writing and language teachers can use AI generators to create language exercises, quizzes, and assessments.
  • Graphic Design teachers can use AI generators to create design concepts, templates, and layouts.
  • Copywriting teachers can use AI generators to create marketing copy and ad campaigns.
  • Music teachers can use AI to generate lyric ideas for their course.
  • Culinary teachers can use AI generators to get more recipe ideas and procedures for their cooking courses.

Ways AI Can Help Course Creators

AI can help online course creators in numerous ways to ease their course creation process. After spending some time looking at the Kajabi AI toolkit, let’s go over some of its features :

Course Outline

Enter Course Topic 

A teacher would enter the desired topic and sub-topic. For example, Making and 3D Object Printing.

Identifies Main Modules

When you enter that topic, the AI engine will identify all the main modules of your course. These are the containers or sections of your course.

Suggests Child Lessons

The AI engine can also suggest specific lessons within each of the modules of your course curriculum

Section Descriptions 

AI generators can also provide you with proper descriptions for each section. This will ultimately help you create an outline for not only your course but for the curriculum if you choose to show your curriculum on your sales page.

Lesson Content

AI Generators can also help you create specific lessons for each of your modules.

What is it, Why goal, Intro 

Often AI generators can help you create an intro lesson like what is a topic. For example, you may need help creating a lesson on what is modeling clay? So that would be your input combined with a prompt like “Create an introductory online course lesson about what is modeling clay.” Once you specify it, then the AI pumps out a lesson that might talk about what that thing is, why you need to choose it, and why it’s important.

Some other common lesons could include:

  • What is a 3D Printer?
  • Why use a 3D Printer?
  • Introduction to 3D Printers

Step-by-Step Instruction

Some teachers may require step-by-step instructions. What comes out may be a few numbered paragraphs. This head start can often get you way further than starting with an empty page.

Recap, Practice, Next

When you ask AI to create a lesson, a good engine will also end with a recap explaining the main points. It might even recommend some practice and next steps to learn. Sometimes the lesson ending is provided as one closing paragraph, but it could also be provided (or you can ask for it) as a few distinct chunks.

Simple Summary 

AI generators should also provide a nice end of lesson summary. They might provide three bullets or a comma delimited sentence about the main parts of the lesson. You can then use that on your slide, resource PDF, or as key points on your video.

Sales Page

AI can also help you create sales pages for courses, communities, and other services on your teacher/coach website.

Headings & Overview, Features

These AI tools help you create sales pages. They provide the headings, the overviews, and the key features of your course. They can also help you create standard sales elements like:

  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Who is this for

And then you can enhance with more custom information like:

  • Teacher Bio
  • Testimonials and Reviews
  • Course Guarantee

Context-Sensitive Start Now CTA

AI is context-sensitive if you give it enough information in the prompts. So it would know that your not only teach teaching food decorating but also detect that your decorating wedding cakes.

In addition, AI could suggest smart buy course buttons like:

  • Start Making Cakes
  • Learn Decorating Now
  • Take Decorating Course

Promotional Video Script

AI can help you create scripts for videos. For example, you can create a promotional video script or ask it to create a two-minute video where you will introduce a specified course topic to your students.

It can create a good script that you can tweak and record with basic camera equipment or fancy media studio.

You can then utilize your script and recorded video on your sales page, course introduction, email marketing, or youtube.

Sales Email

AI can help you create short and convincing emails to help sell your online courses.

Create Short Punchy Email

The emails that AI creates are short and easy to read. They use conversational language to create concise one-page emails that are easy to digest by your prospects and students.  

Prompt, Benefits, Urgent CTA

The emails that AI creates will have a prompt with a catchy hook for your prospects. Then they talk about the benefits of your course. Finally, they will end with a urgent and motivating Call To Action link to buy your course.

So, you’re going to specify a topic like writing poetry and then you’re going to receive a nice email writeup with a hook, benefits, and a buy call to action.

Slots for Name, Price, Link

The emails that AI creates will give you a few slots where you can insert your course specifics like Name, Price, and Buy link.

So the sales email that is created has all the essential content based on your prompts including a couple of placeholders that you will customize like:

  • [Course Name]
  • [$Price] or [$Payment Plan]
  • [Https checkout link]

Social Media 

Finally, once you have that course to launch or if you already launched and are selling all year long in evergreen mode, you can use social media to promote. AI can help you create these social media posts to help promote your course.

Short Messages

With AI you will get one or more quick short messages that can be used to drive people to your course sales page or checkout page. We recommend the sales page to provide more convincing instead of the credit card entry screen.

Here are some short messages that could be made by AI:

  • Learn how to edit your podcast by taking our Intro to Podcast Audio course.
  • Stop sounding like an amateur, by learning how to edit your podcasts with audio editing software.
  • Edit your own podcast audio to elevate your show quality with our Intro To Podcast Audio course.

And the cool think is, once you specify a prompt like create social media promotion for an online course about tango dancing, you can get 5 or 10 messages at a time. And you can even mix and match along with some customization to make the perfect promo post.

Oh don’t forget to add an image like a course hero image, happy student, or you teaching.

Compelling #Hashtags 

The AI generator will even create some hashtags using popular hashtags for your industry. Or you can get more specific and ask for hashtags for a specific platform like Twitter or Instagram.

The hashtags can be specific to your course like #UserExperience or generic like #eLearning.

Creating AI Text Generator Prompts

Let’s go over an example. We said earlier that in order to use these AI tools you need to give it a little input. This input is called the prompt. And there can be short or long prompts, or you can even use multiple prompts.

Sometimes by choosing an exact AI tool and goal like create lesson vs sales email, the tool will specify the first set of hidden prompts. You then specify some additional prompts like the course content you desire like “Water Painting”.

Then the AI tool will utilize all the implicit and explicit prompts and go to work using all the data that is out there to create your desired content. 

But if you provide weak prompts, you’ll get vague and wrong data. So, lets review a few ways to provide good prompts so that we can get usable AI content.

Spotlight Goal

If you use the prompt ‘cake making’ you may not get as good a result if you would have spot lighted your goal. For example, using how to decorate wedding cakes will create better results. You’re not interested in making any cakes; you’re making wedding cakes and decorating them. That’s going to help create very specific content for what you do.

Higher Level

If you ask for something too low level like art out of wood materials, you may not get good results. But you can take that up a level by not asking for components. For example, you could ask for content about making artisan wood jewelry.

Learning Phase

Another weak example is asking for window design, but maybe you want to focus on learning and not just what is it. So you can improve the prompt by specifying “learning window design” or “introduction to window designing”.

Descriptive Words

While you may think you are niching down by asking for Sci-Fi and Writing, you can get even more specific.

For example, you could specify “creating realistic sci-fi script characters.” Now you’re suggestions will not only be about Sci-Fi and writing but also focused on realistic and character development.

Specific Style

Many topics have sub-skills. So asking for cool dancing is just too vague, it cool be cool pop, rap, or jazz. Go ahead and specify the subtype of what you need. For example, we could be teaching a course on hip-hop floor breakdancing which is very different than cool Broadway jazz moves.

Include Details

Another thing you can do is to include additional information. Don’t just talk about your category, like motion graphics, but include details and extra words like how to add video motion graphics to animate a logo during an intro scene.

Prompts for AI
Creating AI Text Generator Prompts – By ArtsyCourseExperts

Frequently Asked Questions About AI for Course Creators

AI can help course creators by making it faster to create content all across the product development lifecycle, including course outlines, lessons, sales pages, and marketing content.

Not anymore. Most AI-powered tools and platforms are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to non-technical users. In fact, most tools hide all the fancy parameters and prompts.

While AI can automate certain tasks and improve the speed of course creation, it cannot replace the value of human expertise, creativity, and interaction in the teaching process. Plus it usually leverages existing content, so you’ll want to put your own unique spin on your creative courses.

The quality of AI-generated course materials can vary depending on the quality and quantity of the data used to train the AI model. While you’ll get some good sentences and facts, AI content still needs some edits to make it more useful, less robotic, and more ideal for your students.

There are many affordable and even free AI-powered tools available for course creators. Also some platforms have different tiers like free vs pro, and often the pro tools have AI features. If not, you can use free tools like Chat GPT and then put the content in your course or marketing system.

Course creators can stay updated on the latest AI trends and tools by following industry leaders and regularly experimenting with new AI-powered tools and techniques. Often, by signing up for a tool, you can also get on their tips mailing list.

A.I Help teacher Course Creators
Photo by Hitesh C. On Unsplash

Summary – Artificial Intelligence for Course Creators

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help course creators by helping you create different kinds of course and business content faster.

There are a bunch of free generic tools out there like ChatGPT and some of the course specific options like Kajabi are providing tools as well.

Remember you can use these AI tools not only for courses, but also for your communities and teacher websites. And you can use the content across multiple business areas like operations, marketing, sales, support, and technology.

Tips for online course creators when using AI:

  • When you’re stuck creating new content, obviously search Google but also try asking an AI engine a few questions.
  • Try different prompts and different combinations of words. Use specific words. Add an adjective and adverb, and be more specific to help out that AI engine. 
  • Do multiple passes and run a couple of versions, pick out the best ones, mix and match, and then you make your conclusion. 
  • Start by experimenting with different AI-powered tools and techniques to see what is possible and how much work is required.
  • Once you create some AI-generated content, refine it to ensure its quality and personalize it for your business and students.

You should be a little smarter now. Thanks for hanging out!

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