Hex Color Codes for Instructors & Coaches
Learn how to select complementary colors, apply them to your slides, worksheets, and handouts, and maintain a professional and engaging visual identity.
Theme, Colors, Fonts, Logo, Style, Music
Learn how to select complementary colors, apply them to your slides, worksheets, and handouts, and maintain a professional and engaging visual identity.
Responsive web design is essential skill for creative teachers, community leaders, and coaches because we all need to provide excellent support for customers that use our services on mobile and tablets in different orientations and sizes.
Learn how to leverage your online community before, during, and after your big online events. Your members will extract so much more value from your events when also engage with peers about the many event discussion topics.
Learn how to design an effective and engaging online course curriculum. Discover tips for choosing the type of course, number of lessons, teaching techniques, and engagement strategies. This lesson is helpful for teachers at various stages ranging from planning content to actually teaching on camera.
Discover how powerful new Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered tools can help you create, market, and sell your creative online courses faster than ever.
Understanding the difference between domains and hosting is important. Explore the benefits of having a website for online course teachers and using domains and hosting to engage your audience and promote your courses.
PNG images have become a popular choice for online course creators as they offer non-square transparency and high-resolution graphics. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using transparent PNG images in online course businesses.
Everyone has a unique set of skills and talents that come naturally to them. In this lesson, you’ll learn how the theory of multiple intelligences empowers teachers to use a range of methods when educating students.
After doing a great job of creating a resource guide for your course, you’ll need a convenient means to share them with your prospects. This article will show you the steps in Creating a PDF resource file with Google.
The Descript video editing tool is one of the most powerful tools you can use as an online course creator to fix your video lessons without hours of editing or rerecording.