Signup Process Analysis

Couse Signup Help

Improve Your Signup Rates

Your course or community signup process is the cash register for your online course business. We can help verify and find any payment problems for your online course business. This analysis will include a report about any problems for every step in the checkout flow.

Who Is This For?

  • Solo creators and entrepreneurs that need feedback
  • Little or no course sales or checkouts
  • Limited number of people signing up for trial previews
  • Majority of prospects don’t enter the purchase flow

What We Do?

  • Review HTTPS certificates
  • Review all fields, labels, descriptions required for signup
  • Review complexity of your payment process
  • Review handling of non-standard or complex names and emails
  • Review different payment options and associated data
  • Review steps or pages that can be simplified for better checkouts
  • Review error handling and error messages
  • Review handoffs between systems and pages
  • Review signup emails, content, speed, next steps
  • Review company names appearing on bills, receipts, and financial statements
  • Review ability to start your course immediately afterwards
  • Review desktop and/or mobile orders
  • And much more…

How We Work Together?

  • Use a survey to collect information about you and your business
  • Review your company, industry, niche, products, services, blog, and social sites
  • View your course information, content samples, and materials
  • Research your specific challenges, concerns, and goals
  • Analyze your current signup process using different accounts, devices, payment options, etc.
  • Build an expert report including problems, warnings, and suggestions
  • Deliver our written report to you electronically
  • Email support for 30 days of clarifications and additional questions
  • Guarantee our service with revisions and refund options
  • Post action check-in after 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months

Get Your Sign-Up Process Optimized Today!

For $99.99 plus the cost of your course (which you earn back) we help you identify and fix signup problems to increase your total revenues.