Device & Browser Support Analysis

Fix Your Support Across All Phones & Tablets

Your course may use hi-definition (HD) video and audio, and advanced HTML user interface features, as well as older or newer Learning Management System capabilities. We can help verify that your course will work on a variety of devices and browsers. This analysis will include a report about how your course is delivered on a variety of client devices. It will document any warnings and provide suggestions so that you fix your course to work for the widest amount of potential students.

Who Is This For?

  • Solo creators and entrepreneurs that need feedback
  • Little or no real customers have taken your class
  • Not sure if the course is configured best to support your most likely student
  • No real feedback from any students
  • Students may access your class from a variety of international locations
  • Students may access your class using different devices types and browsers

What We Do?

  • Test on mobile android and apple
  • Test on apple and android tablet
  • Test on Windows and Mac desktops
  • Test on chrome, chromium, firefox, safari
  • Test on different browsers
  • Test on vertical and horizontal orientations
  • And much more…

How We Work Together?

  • Use a survey to collect information about you and your business
  • Review your company, industry, niche, products, services, blog, and social sites
  • View your course information, content samples, and materials
  • Research your specific challenges, concerns, and goals
  • Analyze every aspect of your course on different devices and browsers
  • Build an expert report of your device support including problems, warnings, and suggestions
  • Deliver our written report to you electronically
  • Email support for 30 days of clarifications and additional questions
  • Guarantee our service with revisions and refund options
  • Post action check-in after 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months

Get Your Course Working On More Devices Today!

For $49.99 we can help you identify and fix device issues so that you can maximize your course sales without any refunds or support issues.