Review Your Class Like A Student

Improve Your Student Experience & Reviews

Sometimes you need a fresh pair of eyes to review all aspects of your course. We can help improve all the first impressions and remove many of the course problems that you weren’t aware of. This analysis will include a report about every aspect of your student journey.

Who Is This For?

  • Solo creators and entrepreneurs that need feedback
  • Little or no real customers have taken your class
  • Not sure if the course is configured correctly
  • No real feedback from any students
  • Teachers with weak testimonials and reviews

What We Do?

  • Broad basic review of every part of the course
  • Review your landing sales page
  • Review your new student sign up form
  • Review your emails
  • Review your introduction class content
  • Review of your class content
  • Review of your course materials like study guides
  • Review of your quizzes
  • Review final class content
  • Review any end of course bonus content
  • Review of any certificates
  • Review any end of class emails and promotions
  • Leave a course review and testimonial
  • And much more…

How We Work Together?

  • Use a survey to collect information about you and your business
  • Review your company, industry, niche, products, services, blog, and social sites
  • View your course information, content samples, and materials
  • Research your specific challenges, concerns, and goals
  • Analyze every aspect of your course from start to finish
  • Build an expert report including problems, warnings, and suggestions
  • Deliver our written report to you electronically
  • Email support for 30 days of clarifications and additional questions
  • Guarantee our service with revisions and refund options
  • Post action check-in after 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months

Get Your Course Reviewed Today!

For $49.99 we can help you confirm your end-to-end class is polished and with a positive review to encourage future students.